Palm USB Devices Driver

Setting Up Palm OS Hotsyncing with 64-bit Windows 7, 8 & 10 or Vista (in 3 Steps)

Simply place your palm 2 inches above the sensor and a template and the device captures a near-infrared image of your unique palm vein pattern will be captured and encrypted in under 1 second. A Fujitsu algorithm coverts this image into an encrypted biometric template that can be matched against a database of pre-registered templates. The Acceca Driver is the bomb, this little puppy made it all have to have your Device Manager to be open when you connect the USB Craddle the first time so you catch the 'Unknown Device' quick bevore it disappears and then right Mouseclick 'Update Driver' and then install the Acceca x64 driver.the Sync should start right away when the driver is finished installing and after sync you should see everything on your Desktop. Intel Android device USB driver is a collection of drivers for managing Android devices powered by Intel Atom processors from the computer. The pack ensures that your operating system will recognize and interact with any Atom-based smartphone or tablet connect to the PC through a USB cable.

  1. Download Palm Desktop 6.2
  2. Install Aceeca 64 Bit driver
  3. Install ScoreKeeper 7 software

If you are running Windows 7, 8, 10 or Vista 64-bit software, follow these 3 steps to get Hotsyncing running again.

STEP 1. Setup the Palm Desktop for Windows 7, 8 & 10 or Vista following these instructions:

  1. If you have already loaded the old Palm Desktop software, remove it using the Control Panel > Programs > Uninstall a program. Then select the Palm Desktop. After the old desktop is uninstalled, reboot your computer.
  2. Download and install the Vista/Windows 7 & 8 Compatible Palm Desktop Software > Download Palm Desktop 6.2If you have any problems, visit the palm support site Palm Desktop Product Support
  3. If you have Windows 7, 8 or 10 32-bit you should be able to Hotsync now. If you have 64-bit then continue with Step 2. (Note: Windows 8 tablets with ATOM processors like the Dell Venue Pro and Asus Note 8 are typically 32-bit)

STEP 2. Setup the 64-bit driver following these instructions:

  1. Download and install the 64 bit driver click here: Download this file ( from (press SAVE not OPEN and save zip file to your desktop or other folder)
  2. Right-click on the zip file you downloaded and press Unpack ('Extract' or 'unzip') the Aceeca drivers.
    Remember the location of this folder you unpacked them to as you will be needing it later on in this install routine.
  3. Try to HotSync your device. It will fail.
  4. Open the Device Manager (click Start and type in 'Device', then run the Device manager)
  5. In the Device Manager look for the Yellow Triangle next to Palm Device under 'Other devices'. (If you don't see it, connect the cable to the computer and press the HotSync button again.)
  6. Right-click on the device, and choose 'Update Driver Software'.
  7. Choose 'Browse My Computer for Software' and direct it to the Aceeca folder you unpacked the drivers to.
  8. Choose 'Next' at the driver file location window, and then tell it to 'Always trust software from Aceeca Ltd.' then click the 'Install' button.
  9. You may receive an error message 'The drivers were installed but the device couldn't be opened.'
  10. Now, press the Hotsync button and it should work!
Palm USB Devices Driver

Optional: Setup the Bluetooth wireless Hotsync (if your PDA and Computer have Bluetooth) following these instructions:Bluetooth Hotsync Guide

STEP 3. Install ScoreKeeper 7 software:

Palm USB Devices Driver

Palm Usb Devices Driver Adapter

Install ScoreKeeper for Baseball/Softball click here >> ScoreKeeper 7 for Baseball Download

Install ScoreKeeper for Basketball click here >> ScoreKeeper 2.5 for Basketball Download

Palm USB Devices Driver

HotSync Guide forVista 64 bit & Windows 7, 8 & 10

Aceeca develops 64 bit (x64) USB Drivers for Palm and Garnet OS and releases new PDA
(click the link above to download the 64 bit drivers)

Option 1: Hotsyncing with Bluetooth or Wireless Networking ( Supported PDA's include: Tungsten T, T5, T2, E, E2, TX, i705,W,C, Lifedrive, Treo, Centro,Nokia Internet Tablet N Series.) for all other non Bluetooth or wireless PDA see options 2 or 3. Bluetooth is easy to setup and works great without need for a hotsync cable. You can Hotsync from up to 35 ft away from your computer with Bluetooth and even farther with Wireless.

To setup hotsyncing on your PC follow these steps..
1: Download the Vista/Windows 7 Compatible Palm Desktop Software from Palm's Website. >: Palm Desktop 6.2 download.
2: Follow the > Bluetooth Hotsync Guide or use the Wireless option (if you have a Palm TX model only).
Note: If your PC doesn't have Bluetooth support built in, you can purchase a USB adapter from Iomega or Belkin for about $25.
3: If you have an older PDA that doesn't have built in Bluetooth or wireless use Option 2 below.
4. To access the bluetooth controls on the PDA see the PREFS icon or tap the symbol
5. Run Hotsync App on the palm to hotsync your PDA. Make sure the palm hotsync manager is running on your PC. Look for the icon
NOTE: Turn Bluetooth or Wireless off when not in use to save battery life while scoring games

Option 2: Installing and Hotsyncing ScoreKeeper with a SD Memory Card: You can use your memory card to move games to and from the Palm with the use of a 3rd part app called Fileman. Follow these steps to move games with your memory card to your PC.

Install the Palm Desktop Software from the CD included with your PDA or download from (Palm Desktop 6.2 download)
Next install ScoreKeeper from the TurboStats CD or download site (download ScoreKeeper)

1: Remove the memory card from the PDA and insert it into your PC Card slot or external memory card reader.
2. Create the folder H:PALMLauncher on your SD drive if it doesn't already exist.
( where 'H' is your drive letter for the SD card. see: 'My Computer' on your PC for the drive letter).
3. Copy the application 'c:winstatspilotScorekeeper.prc' to your :PALMLauncher folder if you don't have ScoreKeeper on your PDA.
4: To backup game files download the app: Download Fileman from Bit's n Bolts Software.
4b: If you don't have a User ID on your PDA yet, download this app ChangeName and put changename.pdb on your SD card in the
Launcher folder. Run changename.prc on your PDA and enter a UserName (one word only), put any number in the UserID and
press Set Name/ID. This is required to register Fileman only, not to run ScoreKeeper
5: Save the Fileman.prc application to the folder on your SD card called H:PALMLauncher
6: Remove your SD card from your PC and when you insert it in the PDA. You will see the new applications.
To Backup Games to your PC to import into TurboStats after you score them on your PDA

7: Run Fileman on the PDA and copy the sk_ ???.pdb game files from the RAM folder tab on the PDA to the SD card in any folder you want.
8: Then insert the SD card back in the PC and copy the sk_ ???.pdb files into the folder c:Program FilesPalm'your palm user name'backup. If you can't find the Palm user folder, install ScoreKeeper from the download or CD and search for *.pdb on your computer to see where the sample game file is installed. this will be the location that TurboStats will be looking for when you try to import a game.
9: Now go to the TurboStats game form and click the Palm Icon to load the game data.
10: Note: Fileman from Bit's n Bolts may require a small fee of $12 to use after the first month trial.

Option 3: Running Windows 7 in XP Mode and hotsyncing with the cable: This option is new to us and we will expand on these instructions as we learn more about the process. If you have a newer Palm you can use the new 64 bit drivers. Follow these instructions: Aceeca develops 64 bit (x64) USB Drivers for Palm

If you have a very old PDA and it won't work with the new 64bit drivers then try XP Mode.

1: Run Windows 7's XP Mode window and install the Palm Desktop 4.1.4e there with Hotsync set to 'Local USB':
2: Press the hotsync button on the cradle, then go up to the USB menu at the top of the XP Mode window and click it.
You should see 'Palm Handheld - Attach'. Click that and the hotsync should start. Unfortunately you have to do that every time you hotsync; haven't yet found a way to attach the Palm's USB port permanently to the virtual machine - it disappears as soon as the hotsync is done, and the USB menu says 'No device found.'

The above worked for me. I'm running Windows 7 Professional 64 bit. I have an old Palm m500 and I'm running Palm Desktop version 4.0.1 in XP Mode. I was able to sync all my standard Palm application appointments, note pad files, memo files, and addresses too.

Palm Usb Devices Driver Updater

Fast, Small and Accurate User Authentication
Quickly register and authenticate users to provide access to mission-critical data in various industry verticals. The F-Pro sensor is 30% smaller and faster than legacy systems, and has been enhanced to more quickly capture templates while supporting a wider range of ambient temperature and sunlight.

Palm Usb Devices Driver Device

Palm USB Devices Driver

Palm Usb Devices Drivers

How It Works
Simply place your palm 2 inches above the sensor and a template and the device captures a near-infrared image of your unique palm vein pattern will be captured and encrypted in under 1 second. A Fujitsu algorithm coverts this image into an encrypted biometric template that can be matched against a database of pre-registered templates. The algorithm will determine whether the comparison of templates results in a match to confirm the identity.