A yellow arrow in a traffic signal indicates that your right-of-way is about to end. A green arrow in a traffic signal means that you have the right-of-way, it means that you can turn through the intersection as long as there aren't any vehicles or pedestrians crossing. 'Slower traffic keep right.' As it was taught to me, if somebody wants to pass, you are slower traffic regardless of actual speed. I've been working on a couple local politicians (who shall remain. I also had the mystery slow down in v14 and then upgraded to 18.5 Post upgrade 18.5 worked fast.a few days (and reboots) later it bogged down again. Network trace showed a ton of IP6 traffic which we have not configured but somehow became a default 'on' in Windows 10. Disabled Ip6 on the ethernet adapter and all working fine now. Slower traffic should always move to the right, thus allowing those who want to go faster to pass safely on the left. Not only is this the law in most states, but is common sense as well. Drivers in the left-hand lane go slower because they are often looking for an exit, services, etc. And hence will be going slower.
The SlowerTraffic Keep Right
while you'restill young enough to remember how to get there? |
Q: Are you foreverbeing annoyed by somebody who thinks the left hand lane is where you'resupposed to drive if your R.V. can only pull that boat, and Yugo at 40mph?
Q: Are you constantlygetting stuck behind some old white cap who should be hauling ass,trying to get there before they die?
Q: Have you eversuspected that the people driving those early 70's smoke barges are allpart of some elaborate group of individuals, compiled from government housingcomplexes, who meet every Tuesday to map out exactly who's going where,so that they can line up across the interstate, covering every possiblelane and all drive side by side at 45mph? Maybe you've noticed the slysmiles they exchange as you bounce back and forth, waiting for a slot justhalf the size of your car, that you can dart through to get pastthem?
If you've answered yes to any of theabove questions, you should join:
The SlowerTraffic Keep Right Campaign!
It is our intention to create some workablesolution to resolve this national problem. Our first thought was to makethe general population aware of the problem. This has so far, failed miserably.First, we had the Department of Public Safety publish this noble idea inall the driving manuals. It came to our attention that not only were peoplenot reading the manuals, but that they were also driving without licenses,and even the ones with a license, were never tested on this important materialto obtain said license.
Then,we set out to further promote public awareness by posting signs all overthe country on the sides of interstates that say 'Slower Traffic Keep Right.'Maybe you've seen some of them in your area? This too, however, has enjoyedonly minimal success in the big picture.
Then there areSupport the Cause Get a Tee! |
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Another common misconception is that this only applies to interstate traffic.IT APPLIES TO ANYWHERE THERE IS MORE THAN ONE LANE!!! And judging fromthis sign (Right) there are some places where people don't even have towait for a two lane road to pass!
Believe it or not, there are people whonot only don't know this, but they also don't use the turn lanes, and getmad when you flash your lights, and bump ever so lightly into their rearbumpers, to gently nudge them into awareness of your intentions to pass.
It is for this reason that we are stillsearching for a practicle solution to this dilema. One thought that hasbeen voiced, is that each driver, with their license, is issued a paintballgun. Then, in the advent that they are stuck behind an inconsiderate driver,they simply shoot the back of the offenders vehicle with a paintball. Then,when the police see a vehicle with at least three different paint splotcheson it, they cite the driver, suspend his/her license (assuming they actuallyhave one) and tow their car.
We believe that this could help to decreasethe problem in a short time, and at the same time, assist the police inlocating drivers who are not intelligent enough to operate a two ton deadlyweapon without direct supervision.
Slower Traffic Keep Right (stkr) Driver Download For Windows
In any event, we need your support tofurther the cause! We have to all stick together, and spread the word,to better educate the masses. How you can help, you ask? Simply post oneof our graphics onto your webpage, and linkit back to here. Then go to our 'supporters' page, and addyour link to our site, so that others can follow your example! Together,we CAN make a difference!
Slower Traffic Keep Right (stkr) Driver Download For Windows 8
Thanksfor your support!
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